1.Li, D. (李德彪), Chen X., Chen S., “Learning and Optimization of Patient–Physician Matching Index in Specialty Care”, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering,21(3), 2730-2741, 2024
2.Li, D. (李德彪), Ruan, X., Yue, Q., “Optimization study of three-stage assembly flowshop problem in pharmacy automation dispensing systems”, Computer & Operations Research, 144, 105810, 2022. (SCI, JCR Q1, IF: 5.159)
3.Li, D. (李德彪), Chen, S., R. Chiong, Wang L., Dhakal, S., “Predicting the printed circuit board cycle time of surface-mount-technology production lines using a symbiotic organism search-based support vector regression ensemble”, International Journal of Production Research, 59(23), 7246-7265, 2021. (SCI, JCR Q1, IF: 9.018).
4.Li, D. (李德彪), Wang, J., Qiang, R., Chiong, R., “A Hybrid Differential Evolution Algorithm for Parallel Machine Scheduling of Lace Dyeing Considering Color Families, Sequence-dependent Setup and Machine Eligibility”, International Journal of Production Research, 59(9), 2722-2738, 2021. (SCI, JCR Q1, IF: 9.018)
5.Zhou, S., Li, D.* (李德彪), Yin, Y., “Coordinated Appointment Scheduling with Multiple Providers and Patient-and-Physician Matching Cost in Specialty Care”, Omega - The International Journal of Management Science, 101, 102285, 2021. (SCI, JCR Q1, IF: 8.673)
6.Li, D. (李德彪), He, T., and Yoon, S. W.*, “Clustering-Based Heuristic to Optimize Nozzle and Feeder Assignments for Collect-and-Place Assembly.” IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 16(2), 755-766, 2019. (SCI, JCR Q1, IF: 6.636)
7.Li, D. (李德彪) and Yoon, S. W.*, “PCB Assembly Optimization in a Single Gantry High-speed Rotary-head Collect-and-place Machine.” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 88(9), 2819-2834, 2017. (SCI JCR Q1, IF: 3.563)
8.He, T., Li, D.* (李德彪), and Yoon, S.W., “A Multi-Phase Planning Heuristic for a Dual-Delivery SMT Placement Machine Optimization.” Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing. 47, 85-94, 2017. (SCI JCR Q1, IF: 10.103)
9.Li, D. (李德彪) and Yoon, S. W.*, “A Novel Fill-time Window Minimization Problem and Adaptive Parallel Tabu Search Algorithm in Mail-order Pharmacy Automation System,” International Journal of Production Research, 53(14), 4189-4205, 2015. (SCI JCR Q1, IF: 9.018)
10.Li, D. (李德彪), Raghavan, V., and Yoon, S. W.*, “Implementation of Web-based Manufacturing Process Aid in the Electronic Assembly Shop Floor,” Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 26(6), 1281-1290, 2015. (SCI JCR Q1, IF: 7.136)