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主讲人: 蒋崇文教授
地点: 经管北楼316闽海报告厅
主办方: 经济与管理学院
开始时间: 2024-05-29 09:00:00
结束时间: 2024-05-29 12:00:00

讲座题目:Energy-efficient production scheduling with machine on/off control

讲座人简介:Raymond Chiong is a professor in AI from Australia, affiliated with both the University of Newcastle and University of New England. He is known internationally for his work on the use of AI methods for computational modelling as well as addressing prediction and optimisation problems. He has produced more than 250 publications to date, in the form of authored/edited books, invited/refereed book chapters, peer-reviewed journal articles, fully-refereed conference papers, editorials, and encyclopaedia notes. His publications have been cited over 7,900 times according to Google Scholar, with an h-index of 44. Many of his journal papers were published in outlets ranked in the top 10 in their respective fields, according to Web of Science™ (WoS)’s Journal Citation Reports. In addition, several of his papers have been listed by the WoS Essential Science Indicators™ (ESI) database as highly cited papers. He is ranked among the top 2% of most influential scientists in the world by the Stanford University/Mendeley List (since 2022) and among the top Computer Science researchers in Australia (https://research.com/scientists-rankings/computer-science/au). He is the Editor-in-Chief of two journals: Elsevier’s Computers in Industry and Emerald’s Journal of Systems and Information Technology. Computers in Industry is currently ranked 8th in Computer Science and Interdisciplinary Applications. He also serves as an Editor for Elsevier’s Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence (ranked 5th among 90 Engineering & Multidisciplinary journals) and an Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation (ranked 6th in Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence).