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博雅论坛第273期:Split Pick-up and Repeatable Delivery Problem

发布日期:2023年10月16日 10:06浏览次数:




开始时间:2023-10-23 14:30:00

结束时间:2023-10-23 17:00:00

         报告题目:Split Pick-up and Repeatable Delivery Problem

         报告人简介:李纪柳,博士,西北工业大学教授、博士生导师,课题组主要研究方向分为智慧物流、智能生产,从事网络规划、运输调度、生产调度、设施选址等重要问题的研究,擅长通过数学规划理论、优化算法、强化学习等解决确定性或随机性的优化问题,具有丰富的科研技巧及企业落地经验。获批青年科学基金1项、中央高校基本业务费1项。近五年在国际顶级和重要期刊发表了多篇学术论文,包括INFORMS Journal on Computing (UTD 24)、Transportation Science、Transportation Research Part B/E、Omega等。
        报告内容简介:We address a novel generator scheduling problem with split pick-up and repeatable delivery under an unplanned base station power outage. State of Charge (SoC) function and generators paralleling are considered for continuous battery charging. A pattern-based formulation is firstly proposed for problem description and then enhanced pattern-based formulation is designed to strengthen its effectiveness. The branch and price algorithm is well developed for solution, which including a tailored dominance criteria in labelling algorithm and a primal heuristic. To explore the efficiency of proposed algorithm, we test it on both actual-based instances and generated instances. Computational experiments demonstrate that the modifications and implementation features lead to substantial improvements in computing time and solving performances.
