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Solving the proactive and reactive resource-constrained project scheduling problem

发布日期:2023年09月18日 10:53浏览次数:

主讲人:Erik Demeulemeester 教授



开始时间:2023-09-19 16:00:00

结束时间:2023-09-19 18:00:00

       讲座题目:Solving the proactive and reactive resource-constrained project scheduling problem

  主讲人简介: Erik Demeulemeester is Professor in the Research Center for Operations Management at the KU Leuven. He earned the degree of business engineering (field of Management Informatics) in 1987, the degree of Master of Business Administration in 1988 and a PhD in 1992, all from the KU Leuven. The title of the PhD was ‘Optimal algorithms for various classes of multiple resource-constrained project scheduling problems’. At present, he is Full Professor from 2001 on and currently teaches a course on project management and scheduling, a doctoral course on combinatorial optimization and local search techniques as well as a seminar on production and logistics. His main research interests are situated in the field of project scheduling and health care planning and he has published many papers on these topics. He currently belongs to the editorial board of the European Journal of Operational Research, the Journal of Scheduling, Computers & Operations Research and the European Journal of Industrial Engineering. He also was appointed as a member of the Program Committee for the EURO XXVIII Conference in Poznan (July 3-6, 2016). Additionally, he became a core jury member for the EURO Excellence in Practice Award (EEPA) that were awarded at the EURO-k conferences in 2016, 2018 and 2019. In the past, he has twice organized a PMS workshop in Leuven and once an ORAHS meeting. These are workshops of around 120 researchers from around the world that presented their newest research results in Leuven. Moreover, he is currently the chair of the Department of Decision Sciences and Information Management at the Faculty of Economics and Business of the KU Leuven.

