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[3]Wentao Yu, Yanrui Wu, Xiaolan Tan, Xiumei Guo. 2023. The nexus between e-commerce and regional environment: the combined roles of resource consumption and energy efficiency. Business Strategy and the Environment, published online. (ABS-3*, SSCI, JCR-Q1)
[4]Wentao Yu. 2020. Creative industries agglomeration and entrepreneurship in China: necessity or opportunity? Industry and Innovation, 27(4): 420-443, (ABS-3*, SSCI, JCR-Q1)
[5]Wentao Yu, Bohan Du, Xiumei Guo, Marinova Dora. 2023. Total factor productivity in Chinese manufacturing firms: the role of E-commerce adoption. Electronic Commerce Research, 05: 1-27. (SSCI, IF=3.9, JCR-Q3)
[6]Wentao Yu, Xiaolan Tan. The creative class in China: Heterogeneity and its regional determinants. Managerial and Decision Economics, 2022, 43(8): 3466-3478. (SSCI, JCR-Q2)
[7]Wentao Yu. 2018. Creative Industries Agglomeration and Industrial Efficiency in China. Growth and Change, 49 (3):1-19. (SSCI, JCR-Q2)
[8]Wentao Yu, Jin Hong, Yanrui Wu, Dingtao Zhao. 2013. Emerging Geography of Creativity and Labor Productivity Effects in China. China & World Economy, 21 (5):78-99 (SSCI, JCR-Q2)
[9]Jin Hong, Wentao Yu*, Xiumei Guo, Dingtao Zhao. 2014. Creative Industries Agglomeration, Regional Innovation and Productivity Growth in China. Chinese Geographical Science, 24 (2): 258-268. (通讯作者, SCI, JCR-Q2)
[10]Wentao Yu, Jin Hong, Yunhao Zhu, Xiumei Guo, Marinova Dora. 2014. Creative Industries Cluster, Regional Innovation and Economic Growth in China. Regional Science Policy & Practice. 6(4): 329-347.