[1] Zhou, Xiongyong., & Xu, Zhiduan. Investigating Circular Procurement Management and Sustainability Performance: The Interactive Moderating Effects of Digital Traceability and Collaboration [J], Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 2024: 100950.(SSCI Q1, IF 6.8, ABS 3)
[2] Zhou, Xiongyong., Lu, Haiyan., Xu, Zhiduan., & Kumar, Sachin. The Impact of Digital Traceability and Sustainability-oriented Innovation on Sustainability Performance: Empirical Evidence in Food Chain[J], Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 2024, 29(3): 497-522. (SSCI Q1, IF 8.8, ABS 3)
[3] Zhou, Xiongyong., Lu, Haiyan., & Xu, Zhiduan. A Balance of Economic Advancement and Social Needs via Improving Supply Chain Traceability for Future Food Sustainability: An Empirical Study from China[J]. Production Planning & Control, 2023, DOI: 10.1080/09537287.2023.2240751. (SCI Q1, IF 8.3, ABS 3)
[4] Zhou, Xiongyong., Zhu, Qinghua., & Xu, Zhiduan. The Role of Contractual and Relational Governance in the Success of Digital Traceability: Evidence from Chinese Food Producers[J]. International Journal of Production Economics, 2023, 255:108659. (SCI Q1, IF 12, ABS 3)
[5] Zhou, Xiongyong., Zhu, Qinghua., & Xu, Zhiduan. The Mediating Role of Supply Chain Quality Management for Traceability and Performance Improvement: Evidence among Chinese Food Firms[J]. International Journal of Production Economics, 2022, 254: 108630. (SCI Q1, IF 12, ABS 3)
[6] Zhou, Xiongyong., Pullman, Mellie., & Xu, Zhiduan. The Impact of Food Supply Chain Traceability on Sustainability Performance[J]. Operations Management Research, 2022, 15:93-115. (SSCI Q1, IF 9.0)
[7] Zhou, Xiongyong., Xi, Yongqin., & Xu, Zhiduan. The System Construction and Policy Simulation and Comparison of Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 267: 121969. (SCI Q1, IF 11.1)
[8] Zhou, Xiongyong., & Xu, Zhiduan. An Integrated Sustainable Supplier Selection Approach Based on Hybrid Information Aggregation[J]. Sustainability, 2018, 10(7): 2543. (SCI Q2, IF 3.9)
[9] Zhou, Xiongyong., & Xu, Zhiduan. Traceability in Food Supply Chains: A Systematic Literature Review and Future Research Directions[J]. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, 2022, 25(2): 173-196. (SCI Q2, IF 1.5)
[10] 周雄勇, 朱庆华,许志端. 数字追溯对食品企业创新行为的影响——基于知识整合的中介效应和环境动态性的调节效应的分析[J]. 中国管理科学, 2023, 31(3):186-195. (CSSCI)
[11] 周雄勇,许志端. 数字追溯可以促进供应链整合吗?——企业间信任和政府支持的双重调节作用[J]. 管理评论, 2023, 35(12):282-294. (CSSCI)
[12] 周雄勇,许志端. 可追溯实践对食品企业可持续绩效的影响:一个混合模型[J]. 管理学报, 2023, 20(1): 106-115. (CSSCI)
[13] 周雄勇,许志端. 可追溯实践、动态能力对企业创新绩效的影响:以制造企业为例[J]. 科技进步与对策, 2023, 40(9):65-73. (CSSCI)
[14] 周雄勇,许志端. 食品质量管理实践、供应链可追溯与企业可持续绩效——基于全国四省食品企业的问卷调查[J]. 宏观质量研究, 2022, 10(4):35-49. (CSSCI)
[15] 周雄勇,许志端. 数字追溯对食品企业可持续发展绩效的影响——基于动态能力视角[J]. 经济与管理研究,2022, 8(8):35-49. (CSSCI)
[16] 周雄勇,许志端,郗永勤. 可持续公共采购中寻租监管的动态演化稳定性控制[J]. 运筹与管理, 2024, 33(3):155-161. (CSCD)
[17] 周雄勇, 许志端,郗永勤. 中国节能减排系统动力学模型及政策优化仿真[J]. 系统工程理论与实践, 2018, 38(6):1422-1444. (CSSCI/EI)
[18] 周雄勇, 郗永勤,许志端. 节能减排政策的需求、传导与体系建设:基于战略路线图[J]. 贵州社会科学, 2018 (4):132-139. (CSSCI)